旺市華人基督教會 Vaughan Christian Community Church
耶 稣 基 督 , 昨 日 今 日 一 直 到 永 远 是 一 样 的 。
希伯来书 13:8

YLD (21/04/18) – The Big Five


April 18, 2021


YLD Topic: The Big Five

Scripture: “God has breathed life into all scripture. It is useful for teaching us what is true. It is useful for correcting our mistakes. It is useful for making our lives whole again. It is useful for training us to do what is right.” (2 Tim 3:16, NlrV)

The first five books of the Bible


Genesis (Beginnings – 1800 BC)

  • It starts with the Creation story, how God made the world
  • It tells us about Adam and Eve, and how their disobedience caused us to be separated from God
  • It tells the story of Noah’s Ark. God instructed Noah to build a giant boat to save his family and pairs of every kind of animal living on the earth.
  • Then God made it rain for 40 days and nights. Everything was washed away including human beings, they all died except Noah’s family. Noah’s family started a new human race.

It appears that with every generation after Noah, people drafted further and further from God. Once again, God chose a man called Abraham and his children to bless all of the people in the world.


Exodus (The birth of Israel (1500 BC – 1455 BC)

  • Exodus is the story of how God saved Israel from slavery
  • God sent Moses to free them from the wicked King
  • God departed the Red sea to help Israelites escape from Egypt
  • Moses reminded the people that the Lord will fight for them; they need only to be still


Leviticus is the book of God’s laws (1445 – 1444 BC)

  • These laws taught the people how they should live and how they should treat others.

Just like you have a set of rules to follow at home or at school.

  • Like washing your hands before you eat. Go to bed early so you are ready for tomorrow. Show respect to others, one person talks at one time . These rules are set to protect you and get your life in order.

Similarly, God gave the people instructions on how to worship him and how to live their daily lives. The book talks about he tabernacle and priests and what God expects of us.

God is holy, and his people need to be holy as well.


Numbers (1445 – 1406 BC)

In Numbers, Moses took a count of all of all of God’s people.

There were twelve tribes in the nation of Israel filled with men, women, and children. When we read Numbers, we can see how much God has truly blessed the nation of Israel.


Deuteronomy (1406 BC)

Moses told the people the law of God again.

  • A whole new generation had grown up in the wilderness, and God wanted Moses to remind the people what he expected of them
  • Before the new leader, Joshua, led them into the Promised Land.

